The accreditation of software in the field of electronic documents indicates the final step in the process of proving compliance with the valid legislation. The received accreditation means that Gama System eArchive is compliant with the Protection of Documents and Archives and Archival Institutions Act (PDAAIA), Decree on Documentary and Archival Material Custody (OGRS No. 30/2006), and Unified Technological Requirements and the regulations of the profession.
"The Gama System eArchive safe storage system is an endpoint for all documents that require long term and legally compliant storage in a digital form," said Marko Šobota M. Sc., general manager of Gama System. "It is intended for archive service vendors and for large companies that need their own system for storing and archiving electronic documents. With the received accreditation from the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia the legal validity of stored documents is ensured, without any necessity of proving it."
The Protection of Documents and Archives and Archival Institutions Act (PDAAIA) in its 72nd paragraph specifies that the storage of archival material in digital form and corresponding services for public legal persons is allowed to be done only by vendors accredited by the National archive.
The accreditation starts with the registration of the product, which enables the vendor to continue with the formal procedure of accreditation. In case of own development the procedure demands delivering the documentation describing the development process, types of installation, instructions for administrators and users, technical documentation and evidence of quality process of software development. After the documentation is examined, the product is inspected by the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia, which assigns the accreditation only if legal demands are fully satisfied.
About Gama System eArchive safe storage system
Gama System® eArchive represents an endpoint for electronic documents that need safe, reliable and long term storage. The system is intended for medium and big companies. Together with the service interfaces it enables simple integration into customer's environment. The service orientation of the product and modern XML technologies enable high level of integration with an arbitrary system within the customer's environment. The solution supports a full set of additional services, which enable assurance of legal validity of the incoming and already stored documents.
The solution is highly extensible on the hardware and on the software level. The installation of the software is made by the vendor in cooperation with customer's experts.
Gama System eArchive received the first price on Slovenian Forum of Innovations 2008 and was selected for the innovation of the year among small and medium sized companies. The product is installed and in use by some of the largest companies in Slovenia.
For further information see Gama System® eArchive.