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Gama System eArchive selected by ELES

After the installation of Gama System eArchive the Slovenian national electrical distributor Elektro-Slovenija d.o.o. (ELES) will be using a top quality system for archiving electronic documents, which with the use modern XML technology enablea a high level of integration to arbitrary information systems within the company. EArchive safe storage system will be used for secure, reliable and long term storage of electronic documents, which will make the work easier, increase the responsiveness and affect efficiency of business operations.

ELES handles the management of Slovenian electro-energetic system and assures undisturbed and quality supply of Slovenia with electric energy. There are over 500 employees in the company, which produce a giant number of important documents. This is the reason the company needed effective and reliable software for storing electronic documents. Only Gama System’s solution has satisfied the demanding criteria, which were the key for selecting the vendor. When the project is finalized, the company will be using a complete solution for archiving electronic documents, based on modern service oriented architecture. Gama System has recently received the accreditation from the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia, which confirms that the system is legally valid.

"The needs for secure and reliable solution demanded advanced software, which would assure a high level of storage and access. Beside that, the solution must be legally valid," said Gregor Novak, the manager of sector for information and communication technologies in ELES. "We are sure that implementing advanced electronic archive represents a step into the future."

"By implementing Gama System eArchive safe storage system, the documents in the electronic archive are, contrary to classical archive, immediately available to the process administrators and other applications. This substantially increases the quality of work and at the same time reduces the time spent by the employees. So, the employees deal only with the questions related to the content, while the documents and the information are available to them all the time," said Marko Šobota M.Sc., general manager of Gama System. "The decision of ELES to include our solution, Gama System eArchive, into their business processes, represents an acknowledgement and obligation for further development of user-friendly electronic services and solutions."

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